Rainbow Six Patch 3.3 Recoil Patterns

Please be aware that the following is no longer accurate, as we've had two patches since that changed all recoil patterns: patch 5.2 (Red Crow Mid-Season) and patch 3.3.0 (Grim Sky). For an idea of just exactly how old this is, here's a list of every patch released in Rainbow Six Siege, patch 3.3 specifically being released on the 21st of June, 2016.

Here's a preview of what this page originally looked like.

Patch 3.3 Recoil Patterns

A list of all weapons and their recoil patterns (bullet spread if it's a shotgun) based on their attachments running on patch 3.3 (not to be mistaken with 3.3.0, Grim Sky). Current list of attachments taken into consideration: Vertical Grip, Compensator, Flash Hider, Suppressor and Laser Sight (pistols only). Links open in a new tab.

